Cracked heels, or Xerosis, is a common foot condition that many people suffer from. Lack of moisture and footwear that exposes the heel are two of the most common causes of cracked heels. This annoying problem is more common in the summers as people switch from wearing boots and enclosed shoes to flip-flops and sandals. Though many suffer from cracked heels, they do not know the exact causes and treatment for this problem. If you are one of them, we have some tips for you.
8 potential causes of cracked heels
- Lack of moisture: People who have relatively small sweat glands around their heels suffer from cracked heels. Their skin is particularly dry, which leads to less elasticity; thus, cracks easily appear in their feet.
- Pressure: If you wear heels and your work demands standing for long hours, the skin near your heels can be stressed. This pressure causes the skin to crack and leads to cracked heels.
- Deficiencies: Cracked heels are also common in people with a lack of vitamins, minerals, and zinc. Therefore, it is recommended that you consume a balanced diet that gives your body the required amount of all nutrients.
- Aging: As we age, our skin thickens, dries, and loses its elasticity. Thus, older people are more prone to having cracked heels.
- Hygiene: Improper hygiene is another common cause of cracked heels. If you fail to keep your feet clean, you are inviting cracked heels.
- Footwear choice: If you wear open-back sandals, the fat under your heels will expand sideways, making way for cracks. The best way to avoid it is to stop wearing footwear that exposes your heels.
- Obesity: You might have guessed it! If you are overweight, the fat pad under your heel will be under pressure whenever you stand, walk, or perform some physical activity. The pressure will also cause it to expand sideways, leading to cracks in your heels.
- Disorders: People suffering from foot disorders, including Athlete’s foot, psoriasis, eczema, thyroid, and diabetes, are also susceptible to cracked heels.
How to treat cracked heels?
- You cannot expect relief from cracked heels if you apply body moisturizer. You need to apply creams that are specially formulated for the feet. These creams have gentle acids which are capable of breaking down the callous.
- Use products that contain salicylic acid, urea, or lactic acid.
- You can even try exfoliant peels that contain lactic or glycolic acid.
- Use a foot file to smoothen the area. Go in one direction as going back and forth can rip up the skin more.
The ideal solution
If everything fails, we have a lasting and promising solution. At, our Kera-42 Cream and Deep-Healing Foot Cream are capable of treating your cracked and rough heels that lack moisture. These urea-based moisturizing creams exfoliate dead skin cells and restore the moisture to your formerly-dry and calloused heels.