Foot Pain

Foot Pain

Today’s on-the-go lifestyle requires us to be on our feet for long hours on end. However, foot pain can make it difficult for us to do so. In fact, even any kind of physical discomfort in the foot can hinder our day-to-day routines, making it difficult for us to attend to things that are important to us. Unless you have a job where you are at your desk throughout the whole day, foot pain can be a significant problem for you as it can severely affect your productivity and efficiency at work.

Have you been suffering from foot pain?

If yes, continue reading to learn about the possible causes of foot pain as well as the right treatment option.

What are the common causes of foot pain?

You should know that foot pain can have causes that are not related to any underlying diseases. There are a few possible reasons why your feet might be bothering you.

Lifestyle choices

While your recurring foot pain might worry you, the cause can be hidden in plain sight.

You might be suffering from foot pain simply because of poorly fitted shoes. Not only will the right shoe size give you more comfort, but it will also save you from daily pain due to sore feet.

Also, consider that your heels can be the reason for your aching feet. Your feet will give you a hard time if you wear high-heeled shoes for long hours as they put a great deal of pressure on your toes.

Moreover, foot pain can also be caused by an injury suffered during high-impact exercise or intense aerobics.

Medical issues

Foot pain is more common among pregnant women, people who are obese, and those with a foot injury such as fracture, sprain, and tendinitis.

Another most common cause can be arthritis (also called joint inflammation). If you have arthritis, you might be more susceptible to foot pain. Typically, arthritis affects any of the 33 joints in the foot.

People suffering from diabetes are also more prone to having foot pain. In the worst cases, diabetes can even cause nerve damage in feet, clogged arteries, and foot ulcers.

Other common medical ailments that cause foot pain are plantar fasciitis, calluses, corns, warts, ingrown toenails, athletes foot, hammer toe, and Morton’s neuroma.

At-home treatments

You may be tempted to try some home remedies before visiting a doctor. You may want apply some ice over the affected area. You can also try some over-the-counter pain relievers. Just make sure to elevate the affected foot and take a rest.

FootDocStore offers gels, sprays, creams and other products to help treat foot pain.  However, if you’re in doubt and the pain persists, be sure to visit a podiatrist for appropriate treatment.

Posted in Foot Care News.