Thick Toenails

Thick Toenails: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

If your toenails have grown thicker over time, they might indicate a fungal infection called onychomycosis. Though fungal infections are the most common reason for thick toenails, diseases such as diabetes and psoriasis may also cause your toenails to thicken. If left untreated, this condition can be excruciating.

Symptoms of thick toenails

This foot condition often goes unnoticed in its initial stages, but the problem becomes more obvious as the nails thicken. The common symptoms of thick toenails include:

  • Brittle nails
  • Bad odor from the nails
  • Nails lift easily from the nail bed
  • Trimming the nails becomes difficult
  • The nails crack easily
  • Pain or discomfort in the nails
  • Nails take on a yellow, green, or brown hue

What causes thick toenails?

Take a look at the common causes of thick toenails.

  1. Poor blood circulation

Poor blood circulation due to diseases like diabetes can lead to thick toenails.

  1. Injury

Injuries or sudden and repeated trauma are the most common causes of thick toenails. Usually, this happens to people involved in taxing physical activities, especially soccer players, runners, and dancers.

  1. Fungus

Fungal infection can grow in the toenails as fungi thrive in warm and moist environments. Some fungi can even separate your toenail from the toe and fill in the gap. This is why the toenails appear thicker.

  1. Skin condition

Skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis can also cause the toenails to thicken. These skin issues inflame the dead skin cells around the toenail and, in response to the irritation, the toenails thicken.

  1. Aging

As the people age, their toenails start thickening because their bodies cannot renew itself as it was at a younger age.

How to prevent thick toenails?

As this condition is painful and unsightly, it is better to keep it at bay. Given below are some preventative measures to steer clear of thick toenails.

  • Always keep an eye on your toenail to detect thick toenail at early stages. Watch out for changes in your skin around your toenail.
  • Trim your toenails regularly. But avoid cutting them too short and trim them straight across. File down the sharp bits.
  • Proper footwear can prevent thick toenails. Therefore, buy shoes that aren’t too tight and provide sufficient room for your toes.

Home-based treatments

Follow the treatments given below to get rid of nail fungus that causes thick toenail:

  • Make sure to clean the affected area daily with mild soap and water.
  • Groom your nails regularly- soften them with the help of some urea-based cream and wrap your feet with bandages at night. Later, wash off the cream and trim them using a nail clipper and nail file.
  • Apply an over-the-counter fungal treatment once you have cleaned and gently filed your nails.
  • You can apply snakeroot extract every third day for a month, twice a week in the 2nd month, and once a week in the 3rd month.
  • You can also apply tea tree oil twice a day.

Shop for antifungal products at FootDocStore

At, we are dedicated to helping people that have various kinds of foot problems. If you have a thick toenail, we have a variety of foot care products for you. From antifungal nail polishes to soothing creams, we have products that can not only treat your unsightly thick toenail but make it look good too.

Posted in Foot Care News.